St. Paul College of Makati

Caritas Christi, Urget Nos

Campus Ministry

The Campus Ministry addresses the spiritual needs of the whole institution. It involves the following activities:

1.1. Liturgy and Worship. The Liturgy gives expression to and celebrates the life and faith of the school community. These are rooted in the Catholic tradition of community worship.

1.2. Retreats and Spiritual Direction. These are opportunities for spiritual renewal and discernment that are vital to authentic Christian living. Retreat and recollection experiences are followed up in the CLVE classes.

1.3. Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC). The BEC creates Christian communities nourished by the word of God, centered on the Eucharist and provides an experience of the faith-sharing in the community. To deepen their experience of community and to enable them to follow through their plan of action more readily, the students are organized according to their respective cells per classes; the faculty, office staff and personnel have their own cells or groupings.